Rev. Ryan Egli
This book was written something like a hundred generations ago. We might be able to picture our parents works with no internet. Or grandparents. But we are considering something with from halfway across the world, in a different language
What is the purpose of life?
This question is what the author, the Preacher, has been struggling with for the entire book. He starts with the vanity of vanities of life. We live, we die, and everything moves on. We are a vapor compared to the vastness of the world. The slow heat death of the world is coming. But that is the view of a world without God.
But if there is a God, then everything has meaning. God is bringing about restoration of the world to it's original perfection. He is bringing His people home.
Gaining wisdom is painful
Ranchers and shepherds don't use goads today. They use electric cattle prods. But in those days, the goad was use to guide sheep where they need to go. It was sharp and could even be used as a weapon and even to kill.
We like wisdom that empower us. Rarely do we want wisdom that frustrates and thwarts our desires. So often wisdom can cause discomfort. This is what the one true teacher will bring.
Gaining wisdom leads to a life well lived
What is required is not more books to study. What is needed is deeper obedience to God. Wisdom isn't a unicorn to be chased or some hidden wisdom to be found. Scripture has wisdom that is meant to be lived out.
Wisdom is ultimately about loving and fearing God
Often fearing God is noted as the beginning of wisdom. But here fearing God is noted as the end of wisdom. Fear here is a posture of reverence, worship, and submission. Fearing God is to be the aim and goal of our lives. We are worshippers. We will worship, but what will we worship? We are to fear and obey God. We want our freedom to do whatever we want. But the scripture says no, we are to obey everything God commands. And what does this consist of? The word of God calls us to love God with all our heart, all our mind, and all our strength & to love our neighbor as ourselves.
Why? There is a coming judgement. God will bring all of us to judgement. We have all fallen short. So then what will happen on judgement day? Will our sins be covered by Jesus? There is hope, but only in Jesus.
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